Unmanned aerial system (UAS) technology is changing the game for the energy sector, which includes industries such as renewable energy, oil and gas, nuclear, and other important utility industries that provide the energy we need to power our 21st-century lifestyles.
In an industry so focused on environmental sustainability, UASs just make sense for renewable energy. They require small amounts of fuel, contributing a very minimal environmental impact. A UAS equipped with thermal imagery sensors can help monitor solar farms, for example, cutting surveillance time from days to minutes.
UASs provide similar benefits to wind power operations as well. Detecting and repairing flaws in the system is extremely important in order to avoid expensive equipment, such as wind turbines, from malfunctioning. With the help of 3D mapping and data collection payloads, companies can save money and maintain their sustainable energy assets longer. Many electric utility companies, like Duke Energy, use UASs to minimize maintenance errors and the amount of time inspection workers spend at dangerous heights.
Oil and gas rigs make up a large percentage of today’s energy sector. In fact, the U.S. consumes an average of about 19.88 million barrels of petroleum products per day to fuel our society. UASs make rig inspection safer and far more productive than traditional methods. Get a closer look at how UASs are aiding the oil and gas industry here.
Overall, the energy sector has been a huge advocate for more UAS use in the field. Find out how FlightWave’s innovative Edge UAS can provide the necessary tools for energy sector companies to supercharge their capabilities.